Who we are
Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti (HIMWATS) is a non-governmental organization working towards the development of Uttarakhand. HIMWATS

Our Objective
Provide underprivileged children of Champawat withincentives and infrastructure so that they may benefit fromformal primary education and vocational training.

Our Mission

Our Values
- Empathy
- Inclusion
- Empowerment
Be a Part of
Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti
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Volunteer With Us.
Without your help, it won’t be possible to achieve anything better for society. We, therefore, encourage people of all age groups to experience working with us.
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Give Your kind Donation
Our NGO is ‘Income Tax Exempt’ as per rules for Donations(to academic institutions). You can donate to make our efforts self-sustaining. This can be done by becoming a sponsor,
Welcome to
Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti
Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti (HIMWATS) is a non-governmental organization working towards the development of Uttarakhand. HIMWATS is registered under the Indian Societies Act and has been allocated a Registration No: 758/ 1997-98 (renewal No 73/2004-2005, Registration Of The Society Was Done In Haldwani Till 2005 For Renewal, After That In Champawat For Renewal, Currently It Is Valid Till November 2022.) in Haldwani Office of Registration of Societies, Uttarakhand (UK), INDIA.
Uttarakhand is the newest state in the Indian Union and one of the most backward too. The majority of people living in the 15620 villages and in most of the 81 cities and urban locations in the 13 districts of the UK are inherently below the poverty line. The primary stable profession is Agriculture; with only cash earning profession being a small number of the youth in the national army. Most of the frustrated youth go away to the plains of India for the search of jobs and in the absence of any education due to poor parental monetary conditions, they land in the plains all over India, doing menial jobs in small hotels and restaurants – washing dishes and cooking food, etc. Till 2005 in halowain remedies unfair than al-district champawat in every sys inggere term extinct in Nov 2002.

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Join With The Journey of
Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan SamitiWithout your help, it won’t be possible to achieve anything better for society.
We, therefore, encourage people of all age groups to experience working with us.
Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti
Our Programme

Environmental Awareness
Uttarakhand Himalayas as part of the Himalayan eco-system influences the climatic conditions of the whole country, from monsoon to river water, all are influenced by the Himalayas.

Public Health
people are informed about the how to keep healthy & how the maintain their hygiene , how they prevent them selve from prevental disease, malaria ,typhoid , dehydration …

Savidya Education
Savidya Upasamiti was established as a branch of HIMWATS aiming towards providing quality education and healthcare to the under-privileged in Uttarakhand.
Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti
Beneficiary Stories
Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti
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Himalaya Water Service Tatha Vikas Avam Paryavaran Sanrakshan Samiti
Key People

Dr. H D Bist

Mr.Chandra Mohan Joshi
Vice – President

Dr. K K Pande
(Emeritus Director- Amrapali; Dean In TMU, Moradabad)

Dr. G B Bist
(Retired Additional Director, Health State Govt. , Uttarakhand)

Prof. P B Bisht

Dr. B. C. Joshi

Shri Rajendra Gahtori
Social Worker Champawat , Himwats Member